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Wednesday 20 January 2010

UK Still Spending on Counter-Terrorism in Pakistan

Just received this note from the Foreign Office;

"Year on year, counter-terrorism spending has increased this CSR. On current plans we expect a further increase next year. Spending on counter-terrorism this CSR is more than double what it was in the last CSR.
Pakistan has remained our top priority for counter-terrorism and has rightly been the largest single recipient of our counter-terrorism support throughout this period.

We are constantly reviewing the precise allocation of our counter-terrorism spending to ensure that programmes are most likely to reduce the threat of terrorism and radicalisation.

Looking more broadly than counter-terrorism, the UK is the second largest aid donor to Pakistan and we are increasing our aid for the period 2009-13 to £665 million "

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can any agent of counter terrorism know languages of North wazirstan? Can they enter it?